5 min read

Summer Pool Covers: Enjoy Your Pool Year-Round

Pool Design and Build, a leading supplier in the UK, offers a wide range of summer pool covers designed to enhance your swimming experience while protecting your pool from the elements. Our high-quality covers are tailored to fit various pool shapes and sizes, ensuring a snug and secure fit for maximum effectiveness.

Benefits of Summer Pool Covers:

  1. Heat Retention: Our summer pool covers act as insulators, trapping heat from the sun and preventing it from escaping the pool water. This helps to maintain comfortable water temperatures, allowing you to enjoy swimming even on cooler days and evenings.
  2. Reduced Evaporation: By covering your pool with a summer cover, you can significantly reduce water evaporation, conserving precious pool water and reducing the need for frequent refilling. This not only saves you time and effort but also helps to lower water bills and minimize water wastage.
  3. Chemical Savings: With less water evaporation, you'll also experience reduced chemical loss from your pool. Summer covers help to retain chlorine and other pool chemicals, ensuring optimal water balance and sanitation levels with less frequent chemical adjustments.
  4. Debris Protection: Our summer pool covers serve as a barrier against leaves, insects, dust, and other debris that can accumulate in your pool water, keeping it clean and clear between uses. This minimizes the need for manual cleaning and maintenance, allowing you to spend more time enjoying your pool.
  5. Safety: In addition to their functional benefits, our summer covers provide an added layer of safety, especially for families with children or pets. They help to prevent accidental falls into the pool, offering peace of mind and security for all pool users.

Types of Summer Pool Covers:

  1. Solar Covers: Made from durable plastic with air bubbles on the underside, solar covers harness solar energy to heat your pool while preventing heat loss at night. They are easy to install and remove, making them ideal for daily use during the summer months.
  2. Mesh Covers: Designed to keep out debris while allowing water to pass through, mesh covers provide excellent protection against leaves, twigs, and other debris. They are lightweight, breathable, and easy to handle, making them suitable for use throughout the summer season.
  3. Safety Covers: For added peace of mind, consider investing in a safety cover that meets ASTM safety standards. These covers are designed to support the weight of an adult and prevent accidental submersion, making them ideal for use when the pool is not in use for an extended period.


How do I choose the right size summer pool cover for my pool?

Measure the dimensions of your pool and select a cover that matches the size and shape of your pool.

Can I leave my summer pool cover on all year round?

While summer pool covers are designed for seasonal use, some covers may be suitable for year-round use. Check the manufacturer's guidelines for specific recommendations.

Are summer pool covers difficult to install?

No, most summer pool covers are designed for easy installation and removal. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for best results.

How often should I clean my summer pool cover?

Clean your summer pool cover regularly to remove dirt, debris, and algae buildup. Use a mild detergent and water, and rinse thoroughly before reinstalling.

Do summer pool covers come with warranties?

Yes, many summer pool covers come with warranties against defects in materials and workmanship. Check the warranty details provided by the manufacturer.


Summer pool covers are essential accessories for any pool owner looking to extend their swimming season, improve energy efficiency, and maintain a clean and safe swimming environment. With Pool Design and Build's range of high-quality covers, you can enjoy your pool year-round while minimizing maintenance and operating costs.

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A womans hand dipping into a swimming pool with clear blue water.